The child is held back by a water logged kite…and the swans are helping to free them.

Re-evaluate your choices to make better decisions. Now is the time, especially for the upcoming new moon. Plant some intentional seeds to grow for the next cycle, I usually write out my intentions in a special book, in my special room…and every time I see the book I think of my future goals. Don’t be too specific, and remain open to HOW it can find you.

Retrograde can help shed some (often tough light, because we ignore it otherwise) on things that need some fixing, or maybe a purge all together…perhaps just a different way of approaching a current situation…just make sure you really analyse the why.

Everyone bad-mouths retrograde moments, but really, it just seems to reverse what you usually do. I find it helps me actually get shit done that I decidedly choose to procrastinate  It forces me to focus even when/if I hate it, and work through some shit. Don’t run from hardships or ignore them…confront and conquer. I also need to take my own advice.

Don’t get distracted by too many random things, thats how we procrastinate the big things… all it does is make you unable to properly focus on what matters, and that causes more stress – ask/accept help from people you trust, that can help make your trying times a little less heavy. Make sure there is trust.

#newmoon #retrograde #openup #revise #renew #plantseeds #tarot #cardreader #cardoftheday #faeries #fairies #witchesofinstagram #fairyoracle #trust #swans
